High school is tough enough without throwing s Hijab into the mix...
What's my class going to say Monday when i walk in wearing the Muslim veil for the first time? Oh boy, will they freak out. Shawling up? in front of the kids of Year Eleven? It would be easier to walk in naked.
Amal's decision to wear the hijab full term takes alot of guts. Can she cope with the prejudice, keep her friends, and still attract the cuteest boy in school?
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Harga di blog beli-buku-ku : RM15.50 (tidak termasuk harga pos)
Kondisi buku : Terpakai , in a very good condition
Harga pasaran : GBP 5.99 (lebih kurang RM30)
Harga di blog beli-buku-ku : RM15.50 (tidak termasuk harga pos)
Kondisi buku : Terpakai , in a very good condition
salam..sy nak beli buku ni.Tolong reserve untuk saya^^